Focus and Scope

JUSIBI is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal in the field of business Information Systems focusing on Business Intelligence and Data Science. The scope of the journal is as follows, but are not limited to:

  1. Information System,
  2. Business intelligence,
  3. Data Science
  4. Education intelligence,
  5. Customer Relationship Management,
  6. Human Resource Management,
  7. Intelligent decision support systems,
  8. Enterprise Systems,
  9. Business Process Modelling,
  10. System Modelling,
  11. Management information systems,
  12. Economic models for information systems,
  13. Mobile e-Business,
  14. Web services for e-Business,
  15. Knowledge management,
  16. Strategic information systems,
  17. Artificial intelligence and expert systems,
  18. Balanced scorecard, E-commerce,
  19. Business forecasting process,
  20. Information systems change management,
  21. Innovation in information systems and change management,
  22. Total quality management, Six Sigma for performance improvement,
  23. General information systems related to business competitiveness.